Using Botox for Neurological Conditions Like Chronic Migraine

botox for neurological conditions

Botox for Neurological Conditions

Botox, a nearly household word, owns popularity among women and men who want to improve areas of the body by plumping to make more attractive (to their opinion). But, Botox, formally known as botulinum toxin, as an injectable drug does more than just smooth facial wrinkles and creases or plump up lips.

For Dr. Jeff Steinberg, a neurologist Fort Lauderdale, botulinum toxin helps treat migraine headaches for the numerous patients he sees in his South Florida practice. Not only does Dr. Steinberg recommend Botox for migraines, he prescribes it for other symptoms resulting from neurological conditions.

In his earlier career, Dr. Steinberg taught younger physicians how to utilize botulinum toxin for people with chronic migraines. Today, he uses the drug frequently in his practice for this condition.

Managing Chronic Migraine With Botox

botox for neurological conditions
Few people know that the injectable drug, Botox, therapeutically treats a chronic migraine. People who suffer from these continuous headaches that cause disruption to every-day life, frequently seek a remedy.

In the past, that remedy could have involved pain killers, beta blockers or analgesics. Now, using botulinum toxin treatment, the application is simpler.

Once injected, the Botox is essentially absorbed by pain receptors. These pain receptors reside in muscles throughout the face, neck and head. When pain erupts in these areas of the body, neurotransmitters tell the brain to feel pain. What happens next becomes nothing short of miraculous in its simplicity — the botulinum toxin blocks the neurotransmitters’ signals that tell the brain to feel pain. The result is a less intensive headache.

The Florida neurologist applies multiple injections to facial areas. The injections are tiny pricks and applied to the stimuli where pain erupts during a migraine

The best news: Botox treatment for migraines lasts upwards of weeks and months. A customary protocol for people suffering from migraines is to use Botox injections about every three-to-four months.

While every case varies, some doctors remove patients from medications because the botulinum toxin eliminates symptoms of migraine headaches.

Other Neurological Conditions Managed with Botox

botox for neurological conditions
Other neurologists use botulinum toxin for a variety of other conditions. Sometimes people with spinal cord injury are treated with Botox. While the drug does not heal the injury, it helps release muscle tension in the arms and legs.

Similar to how botulinum toxin helps people suffering from migraines by blocking pain receptors in the brain, the Botox inhibits irregular signals between the brain, muscles and spinal cord.

Once botulinum toxin is administered to the muscles, the muscles relax so the body has more mobility. This improves quality of life and also the symptoms of spinal cord injury. This is not a cure, however.

Neurologists use botulinum toxin for spasticity that often affects people with multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, ALS, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, for example.

If you already use Botox for cosmetic reasons, then you’re probably benefiting from the treatment for neurological conditions, too.

If you haven’t ever tried botulinum toxin for cosmetic or medical purposes, then consult your neurologist to discuss a recommended treatment plan. This is a plausible idea for people suffering from the above-mentioned neurological conditions.

Contact us at Jeff Steinberg MD

If you are looking for an expert Neurologist to guide you for using Botox for Neurological Conditions, Contact Dr. Jeff Steinberg.