Should I See a Florida Neurologist After an Auto Accident

Florida Neurologist After an Auto Accident

How a Neurologist can help after an Auto Accident

Car accidents continue to occur despite new developments in vehicle technology like backup cameras, adaptive headlights, and forward collision systems. Some accidents are minor, while others may lead to death or leave some fatal injuries such as head injury, fractured bones, etc. Even if you are careful on the road, a careless driver or other factors can lead to accidents. If the accident affects your nervous system or brain, all is not lost because a South Florida, Fort Lauderdale neurologist, has your back. We will look at different conditions associated with car accidents and how a neurologist can help with the problem.

Brain Damage

A car crash concussion is a traumatic brain injury resulting from a head hit, blow, or jolt during an automobile collision, and it requires patience to be treated. Left untreated for a long time, it can lead to permanent brain damage. Immediately after an accident, it may be hard to read the signs and symptoms of brain damage. To avoid second-guessing, ensure you go for an entire body check-up immediately after the accident.

Below are signs and symptoms of auto accident concussion.

  • Memory loss of the events leading up to the crash
  • Loss of recollection of the crash’s aftermath
  • Looking confused or stunned
  • Forgetfulness
  • Nausea
  • Blurry vision
  • Light sensitivity
  • Confusion
  • Moves or strolls awkwardly
  • Slow to respond to inquiries
  • Mood, behavior, and personality changes

The Fort Lauderdale neurologist is the best in diagnosing and treating concussion. There are several recommendations the neurologist will recommend after the examination, and they include.

Getting enough Rest

If you want your brain to heal, you must avoid tasks that demand concentration, focus, and thought during the initial days following your vehicle accident. Stay away from screens during this period and avoid doing any physical activity that will worsen your symptoms.

The neurologist might advise gradually increasing your activity level after a few days of restricted exercise. Also, you can start incorporating some screen watching, but if it triggers mental recovery, it is good to quit. The light exercises speed up your recovery. The neurologist will advise on different therapies.

Returning to normal activities

You can keep increasing your activity levels as your symptoms go away. Your doctor will let you know when it is safe to resume your regular daily activities, including strenuous exercise and sports.

Other parts of the nervous system

A neurologist and car crash nervous system problems are linked. Nerves play a crucial role in how our bodies work because they send electrical signals to various sections of our bodies so we can carry out daily activities. If the nerves are affected by the car accident, sending impulses throughout the body becomes problematic, especially if it is close to the spinal cord or brain.

Nerve Damage can happen

Several different forms of nerve damage can happen in the event of a car accident, and each one has a unique set of symptoms and treatments. The following are some ways that vehicle accidents might harm your nerves.

  • Whiplash – Nerves in this region may become stretched or pinched if the head and neck are violently jerked.
  • Lacerations – Extensive cuts might sever the nerves in the affected area to the skin from the accident.
  • Blunt-force TraumaNerve compression can result from striking your head, arms, or legs on a hard surface inside or outside the car.

When the nervous system is damaged, you experience the following signs and symptoms.

  • Tinnitus
  • Uncontrolled muscle movements
  • Headaches
  • Numbness
  • Forgetfulness
  • Difficulty in understanding normal information and tasks
  • Muscle weakness and stiffness of the neck and back

Physical Therapy is helpful to Regain Strength

Physical therapy may be necessary for the victim to regain strength and prevent muscle cramping and spasms due to the fact that peripheral nerves’ capacity to regenerate is limited. Sometimes surgery is recommended for the severely damaged parts of the body. Mobility aids like a wheelchair, walker, or cane may be useful in your recovery journey.

Contact us at Jeff Steinberg MD

Having a car accident is not the end of your normal life. Many people have recovered from cars accident and returned to enjoy their regular lifestyles. The neurologist and auto accident therapy should be prioritized after you get into an accident. The best people to consult are South Florida and Fort Lauderdale auto accident injury doctors  for brain and nerve problems after a car accident.